2 dagar sedan · STOCKHOLM (Nyhetsbyrån Direkt) Oljebolaget Shamaran har erhållit en betalning på netto 10,5 miljoner dollar från Kurdistans regionala regering (KRG). Det framgår av ett pressmeddelande. Betalningen gäller försäljning av olja från Atrush-fältet för februari månad samt delvis



Region: Duhok Province Follow Unbelievable Kurdistan - Official Tourism Site of Kurdistan on: Facebook. Twitter. Google+. YouTube. General Board of The Atrush Block is located in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, approximately 85 kilometres northwest of Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan.

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▽. fredag 17 januari 2014. TAQA's Iraq country boss:  Approach for the Sargelu Formation, Atrush-2 Well, Kurdistan Region-Iraq Department of Petroleum Technology, Erbil Polytechnic University, Kurdistan  The Atrush field is located 85 km northwest of Erbil and is one of the largest new oil developments in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The field was  SHAMARAN: TRYGG MED START ATRUSH SLUTET AV JUNI - VD Av allt att döma kommer produktionen vid det kurdiska oljefältet Atrush att påbörjas i slutet  the Company) has been received from the Kurdistan Regional Government (“KRG”) for Atrush crude oil sales during March 2020. It should be  million net to the Company) has been received from the Kurdistan Regional Government (”KRG”) for Atrush crude oil sales during May 2020. Shamaran ökar intresset i Atrush-fältet i Kurdistan Shamaran förvärvar ytterligare 7,5 procent i Atrush-fältet i Kurdistan från Marathon Oil, enligt ett pres Pengarna tryggar kapitalbehovet för utbyggnaden av första etappen i Atrush-fältet i Kurdistan. Den första oljan väntas komma ur marken i slutet  (Direkt) Oljebolaget Shamaran, med verksamhet i irakiska Kurdistan, offentliggjorde i början av juni att det köpt ytterligare 15 procent av Atrush-fältet för 60  Shamaran uppger även att ett kontrakt på pipeline-lösning från Atrush-fältet till den huvudsakliga exportpipelinen i Kurdistan nu har skrivits under samt att  vid Atrush-fältet har återupptagits.

ackumulerad produktion överstigande 40 miljoner fat olja vid oljefältet Atrush, som är beläget 85 km nordväst om Erbil i irakiska Kurdistan.

(TSX VENTURE:SNM) ("ShaMaran" or the  May 31, 2019 interest in the Atrush Block in Kurdistan, where first quarter 2019 production averaged 2,400 net barrels of oil equivalent per day (100% oil). Dec 1, 2020 Taqa operates Atrush Field.


Atrush exports for the month of December averaged 26,163 bopd and […] Tag Archives: Atrush. The Suffering of the Kurds. March 8, 1997. Kani Xulam is a commentator on the history and politics of Kurdistan, and advocates for the right of the Kurdish people to self-determination.

Kurdistan atrush

is a Kurdistan focused oil development and ‎ئه تريش Atrush‎, Atrush, Dahuk, Iraq. 1,825 likes · 13 talking about this. ‎عامة‎ ShaMaran said that the Atrush field's total cumulative crude oil production has exceeded 40 million barrels. The Atrush field is located 85 km northwest of Erbil and is one of the largest new oil developments in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
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Kurdistan atrush

Iraqi Kurdistan / Duhok / Atrush / Mkerz by Sarhang Hariri 8 2 1/1/2710 ~ 21/3/2010 newruz.

We operate the Atrush Block, which covers 269 square kilometers and is located 85 km northwest of Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The field was first discovered in 2011 and production started in … 2010-09-01 2014-01-20 Atrush Field is a Jurassic fractured carbonate oilfield near Dohuk, Iraqi Kurdistan.It was discovered by the Consortium of General Exploration Partners. As of March 12, 2013 the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has exercised its option to acquire a 25% Government Interest of the Atrush Field according to the PSC contract.
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Hotellen Atrūsh. Hotelllista Atrūsh · Shandūkhah. Zakho Way Arbil Governorate. High way 120 , baharka Road , Lebanese Village, Erbil, Kurdistan –. 44001.

YouTube. General Board of Production at Atrush oilfield in Kurdish region to be delayed Companies involved in the project include Abu Dhabi’s Taqa, which is the field's operator. Construction of a pipeline spur that will connect the Atrush field with the Kurdish pipeline network, to allow crude to be exported via Turkey’s Ceyhan port, pictured, has been delayed. Atrush is currently producing at approximately 27 thousand barrels of oil per day ("bopd") and exports are continuing via the Kurdistan Export Pipeline system.

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Atrush Field är ett jura bruten karbonatoljefält nära Dohuk , irakiska Kurdistan . Det upptäcktes av Consortium of General Exploration Partners. Från och med den 

‎عامة‎ ShaMaran said that the Atrush field's total cumulative crude oil production has exceeded 40 million barrels. The Atrush field is located 85 km northwest of Erbil and is one of the largest new oil developments in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.